Learners will choose any 5 essay topics of the 10 provided and answer each essay question in roughly 1000 words (5000 words total).
10 Topics (choose and write on any 5):
Describe your model of worldview using the four components (epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, socio-political)
Compare and contrast your worldview with the Biblical model as described in the lectures.
Provide a model for practical application of worldview. In other words, apply your worldview to a contemporary issue and show how the worldview improves the situation or resolves a problem.
Apply the Biblical worldview to a contemporary issue and show how that worldview improves the situation or resolves a problem.
Identify and respond to significant challenges or difficulties in defending your worldview.
Identify and respond to significant challenges or difficulties in defending the Biblical worldview.
Address a major epistemological issue.
Address a major metaphysical issue.
Address a major ethics issue
Address a major socio-political issue.
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