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Vyrsity’s 120 Hr Undergraduate Level Competency (120 Hr ULC)) in Transformative Learning and Leadership is not a teacher certification program, instead preparing educators to lead in diverse environments, empowering people and building communities. The 120 Hr Undergraduate Level Competency (120 Hr ULC) can be achieved with 60 Hours beyond the 60 Hr Undergraduate Level Competency (60 Hr ULC). 

Program Learning Outcomes for the ULC

  1. To prepare Learners for roles in transformative education teaching and service.
  2. To provide Learners a foundation for effective individual and organizational leadership in diverse environments.
  3. To ensure Learners demonstrate worldview foundation for empowering people and building communities.
  4. To help Learners formulate a Biblical approach to transformative learning and leadership.

General Education Core – (53 Hours) (Includes Core42)

PHIL1101 Intro to Critical Thinking

PHIL1103 Reading Comprehension and Understanding

ENGL1101 English Comp I

ENGL1103 English Comp II

ENGL2101 Speech and Communications

HIST1101 Ancient World History I

HIST1103 Ancient World History II

HIST2101 American Government

PSYC1101 General Psychology

PSYC1301 Systems of Counseling

HUMA1101 Ethics

HUMA2101 Socio Political Thought and Civics

SCIE1101 Biology

SCIE1103 Biology Lab (1 Hour)

SCIE2101 Chemistry

SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab (1 Hour)

MATH2101 College Algebra

LANG1301 Intro to Greek Language

LANG1501 Intro to Hebrew Language

Transformative Learning Core – (36 Hours)

PSYC1501 Human Growth and Development 

EDUC1101 Foundations of Education 

EDUC1301 Pedagogy in Ancient Literature 

EDUC 2301 Personal Growth 

PHIL1407 Systems of Transformative Thought

EDUC3309 Tools and Technology for Instruction

EDUC4507 Special Needs Education

EDUC4701 Diversity and Education

EDUC3101 Practicum in Transformative Learning I

EDUC3105 Practicum in Transformative Learning II

EDUC4101 Practicum in Transformative Learning III

EDUC4105 Practicum in Transformative Learning IV

Transformative Leadership Core  – (27 Hours)

EDUC3703 Organizational Leadership

PSYC3501 Conflict Resolution

EDUC3901 Curriculum Design

EDUC3905 Content Measurement and Evaluation

EDUC4307 Intercultural Education

EDUC3103 Practicum in Transformative Leadership I

EDUC3107 Practicum in Transformative Leadership II

EDUC4103 Practicum in Transformative Leadership III

EDUC4107 Practicum in Transformative Leadership IV

Capstone (4 Hours)

EDUC4901 Capstone (4 Hours)