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**This Program PAYS for 1 year Enrollment**
TOTAL COST = $2100

The CBUA Dual Enrollment program is designed for academic high school students (grades 9-12) who can work with self-discipline to pace with the COLLEGE-LEVEL coursework presented. All CBUA DE courses are taught by highly qualified college professors. Students will be afforded mentoring and tutoring help if needed and must maintain academic integrity and progress in each course.
Courses are presented by semester with two (2) semesters per year. Each course is designed to be completed within one (1) semester. Courses are 3 units each which is equivalent to 30 semester hours with the exception of Science Lab courses which are one (1) unit or 10 semester hours per course.

Program Course Listing – for 2023-24 School Year

General College Courses (12 required)

ENGL1101 English Gram & Comp
PHIL1103 Read Comp /Under
HUMA2101 Socio Political Thought
MATH0801 Geometry
SCIE1101 Biology
SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab (1 Hour)
PHIL1101 Intro to Critical Thinking
PSYC1501 Human Growth and Dev
EDUC 2301 Personal Growth
ENGL1103 English Composition
HIST1101 Ancient World History I
HIST2101 American Government
MATH2101 College Algebra
SCIE1103 Biology Lab (1 Hour)
LANG1301 Intro to Greek Lang
PSYC1101 General Psychology
HUMA1101 Ethics EDUC1101
ENGL2101 English Composition
HIST1103 Ancient World History II
MATH0701 Algebra I
MATH3101 Business Math
SCIE2101 Chemistry
LANG1501 Intro to Hebrew Language
PSYC1301 Systems of Counseling
EDUC1101 Foundations of Education

Biblical Learning Core (4 required) Biblical Leadership Core (4 required)

BIBL1303 Biblical Literature: The Prophets
BIBL2305 Biblical Literature: The Writings
BIBL2307 Biblical Literature: The Gospels and Acts
BIBL3309 Biblical Literature: The Pauline Epistles
BIBL4311 Biblical Literature: General Epistles/Revelation
THEO1407 Systems of Theology
BIBL3101 Practicum in Biblical Learning I
BIBL4101 Practicum in Biblical Learning II
BIBL4501 Bible Book Study Elective I
BIBL4503 Bible Book Study Elective II

BIBL3103 Practicum in Biblical Leadership I
BIBL4103 Practicum in Transformative Leadership II
BIBL3101 Practicum in Biblical Learning I
BIBL4101 Practicum in Biblical Learning II
PSYC3501 Conflict Resolution
EDUC3703 Organizational Leadership
EDUC3901 Curriculum Design
EDUC3905 Content Measurement and Evaluation
EDUC4107 Intercultural Education 1

Program Enrollment