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Course Faculty

John Oglesby, MA
Associate Professor of Biblical Education and Leadership

Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD, PhD
Research Professor of Biblical Education and Leadership

Paul Weaver, ThM, PhD
Professor of Biblical Education and Leadership

Steve Spurlin, MTS, DTS, PhD
Associate Professor of Biblical Education and Leadership

Roger Fankhauser, DMin
Professor of Biblical Education and Leadership


HIST1103 examines the history of the ancient world through study of the emphases of each book of the Greek New Testament and focusing on the history of each and relating each book to the larger picture of New Testament history.

CBU Bachelor of Ed (120 Hours) Program Info

Course Description

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Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus / HIST1103 Ancient World History II


Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD, PhD

Paul Weaver, ThM, PhD

Roger Fankhauser, DMin

Steve Spurlin, TMS, DMS, PhD

John Oglesby, MA



Dr. Christopher Cone is the professor of record for the course. He serves as President and CEO of AgathonEDU Educational Group. Cone has served as President of Calvary University and as Research Professor of Bible and Theology, in executive and faculty roles at Southern California Seminary as Chief Academic Officer and Research Professor of Bible and Theology, and at Tyndale Theological Seminary as President and Professor of Bible and Theology. He has served in several pastoral roles and has also held teaching positions at the University of North Texas, North Central Texas College, and Southern Bible Institute. His articles are published at, and he is the author and general editor of fifteen books.


John Oglesby presently serves as Executive Vice President and professor at Vyrsity with previous experience in administration and academics at Calvary University. John received his BS in Advanced Biblical Studies as well as his MA in Bible and Theology from Calvary University. John has taught classes in Philosophy and Worldview, Theology, and Biblical Studies. His writing can be found at


Dr. Steve Spurlin is Associate Professor of Transformative Learning and Leadership for Vyrsity.  Dr. Spurlin received his BA in Music and BS in Psychology from Williams Baptist College.  He earned his Master of Theological Studies from Tyndale Biblical Institute, his Doctor of Theological Studies from Scofield Graduate School and Theological Seminary, his PhD from Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology and has done doctoral work at Calvary University.  His work and ministry experiences include worship and concert ministry, youth ministry as well as several years in the psychiatric and case management fields.  Dr. Spurlin has spent the last fifteen years as teaching pastor, the last ten years being at Cornerstone Bible Church, Lubbock, Texas.




This course examines the history of the ancient world through study of the emphases of each book of the Greek New Testament and focusing on the history of each and relating each book to the larger picture of New Testament history.



Module 1 – Introductory Matters – Steve Spurlin, TMS, DMS, PhD

A brief look at foundational aspects of studying Ancient World History as it relates to the Greek New Testament including source material, interpretive methodology, and theological method.

Reading: Benware, Part 1

            Cone, p. 163–169


Module 2 – The Gospels – Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD, PhD

Dr. Christopher Cone presents ancient world history as it is found within the first four books of the Greek New Testament covering a synthetic overview as well as its relation to other world events that do not appear within the gospels.

            Reading: One of the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John)

Benware, Part 2

                        Cone, p. 169-192


Module 3 – The Acts of the Apostles – Paul Weaver, ThM, PhD

Dr. Paul Weaver presents the historical events found within the Acts of the Apostles–the fifth book in the Greek New Testament.

            Reading: The Acts of the Apostles

Benware, Part 3

                        Cone, p. 194–202


Module 4 – Pauline Epistles I – Paul Weaver, ThM, PhD

Dr. Paul Weaver presents the historical events surrounding and within some of the Apostle Paul’s earlier letters found within the Greek New Testament – 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 1 & 2 Corinthians.

            Reading: 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Benware, p.163-190

                        Cone, p. 206-214

Module 5 – Pauline Epistles II – Christopher Cone, ThD, PhD, PhD

Dr. Christopher Cone presents the historical events surrounding and within the Apostle Paul’s first letters found within the Greek New Testament – Galatians and Romans.

            Reading: Galatians and Romans

Benware, p. 152-162, 191-206

                        Cone, p. 212-220




Module 6 – Pauline Epistles III – John Oglesby

John Oglesby explores the historical events surrounding and within the letter written by the Apostles Paul while he was imprisoned during his first imprisonment in Rome.

            Reading: Galatians and Philippians

Benware, p. 207-224

                        Cone, p. 221-229


Module 7 – Pastoral Epistles – Roger Fankhauser, DMin

Dr. Fankhauser explores what is often referred to as the pastoral epistles – 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.

            Reading: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

Benware, p. 225-239

                        Cone, p. 230-234


Module 8 – General Epistles I – Steve Spurlin, TMS, DMS, PhD

Dr. Spurlin explores the books of James and Hebrews, providing a synthetic overview as well as a glimpse into the world events surrounding these books.

            Reading: James and Hebrews

Benware, p. 240-249

                        Cone, p. 203-205, 235-237


Module 9 – General Epistles II – Roger Fankhauser, DMin

Dr. Fankhauser explores the remaining general epistles, providing a synthetic overview as well as a glimpse into the world events surrounding these books.

            Reading: 1&2 Peter, Jude, 1, 2, & 3 John

Benware, p. 250-269

                        Cone, p. 238-246


Module 10 – Revelation – John Oglesby

John Oglesby presents a synthetic overview of the events within the book of Revelation, relating past history and future events.

            Reading: Revelation

                        Benware, p. 270-281

                        Cone, p. 247-253



Required Texts:

  • All CBU courses use the Bible as a primary textbook. Translations used for coursework include any of the following: NASB, ESV, KJV, and NKJV. Other translations/versions may be used for complementary study and research.
  • Benware, Paul. A Survey of the New Testament. Chicago, IL: Moody Press. ISBN: 978-0802424839. $17.00
  • Cone, Christopher. A Concise Bible Survey: Tracing the Promises of God.  Fort Worth, TX: Exegetica Publishing.  ISBN: 978-0976593034.  $16.00.




Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

  1. To establish an understanding of global historical events from roughly 400BC – 100AD.
  2. To provide principles for understanding past events and applying principles found within to the present.
  3. To provide a synthetic overview of the Greek New Testament.
  4. To provide a model for synthetic overview.


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)


  1. To prepare Learners for roles in transformative education teaching and service.
  2. To provide Learners a foundation for effective individual and organizational leadership in diverse environments.
  3. To ensure Learners demonstrate worldview foundation for empowering people and building communities.
  4. To help Learners formulate a Biblical approach to transformative learning and leadership.


CBU Learning Outcomes (CBULOs)

  1. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Research – Learners will demonstrate ability to think critically, solve problems, and conduct interdisciplinary research at a level appropriate to their program.
  2. Personal Growth – Learners will understand how learning is related to personal growth, and will be challenged to grow in their thinking, communication, conduct, and engagement with others.
  3. Skills Development – Learners will advance in skills related to their area of learning, demonstrating a level of competency appropriate to their program.
  4. Social Responsibility – Learners will appreciate the diversity in and value of others as designed by our Creator, and will grow in willingness and capability to serve others.
  5. Worldview Applications – Learners will become capable at thinking from a worldview perspective and will understand the relationship of description and prescription, so that they can ground their actions in sound principles.




  2. Module Assessments (25 points each x 10) 250 Points (Video)
  3. Course Content Assessment             250 Points (Essay)
  4. Reading Content Assessment             250 Points (Written Summary)
  5. Competency Assessment –
    1. Writing: Choose a book of the Greek New Testamnet and write a 2000 word paper providing an outline of the book, an account of important historical events surrounding the book, the main theme and lessons of the book, and applications and significance to one’s worldview.
    2. Creative Timeline: Create a timeline which displays all of the important events surrounding the Greek New Testament. This timeline should be creative providing great textual information but also communicating a lot at a glance.
    3. Recorded Presentation: Give a 45-60 minute presentation on a topic related to the events in the Greek New Testament.

                                                                        250 Points


91-100%          A

81-90%            B

71-80%            C

61-70%            D

0-60%              F



Total Hours of Module Content:                    20 hours

Total Hours of Reading Content:                    40 hours

Total Hours of Minor Assessments:               30 hours

Total Hours of Major Assessment:                 30 hours

Total Hours of Competency Assessment:       15 hours

Equivalent of 3 Credit Hour (135 hours of total course time)