Course Faculty
Steve Spurlin, D.Min
Transformative Learning and Leadership
BIBL5303 is an introduction and synthetic overview of the Biblical literature emphasizing pedagogical practices found within the text.
CBU – Master of Education (30 hours); Master of Divinity (72 Hours)
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Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus / BIBL5303 Ancient Pedagogical Literature
Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D
John Oglesby, MA
Mark Perkins, M.Div
Stephen Lewis, Ph.D
Michael Thompson, M.Div
Dr. Christopher Cone is the professor of record for the course. He serves as President and CEO of AgathonEDU Educational Group. Cone has served as President of Calvary University and as Research Professor of Bible and Theology, in executive and faculty roles at Southern California Seminary as Chief Academic Officer and Research Professor of Bible and Theology, and at Tyndale Theological Seminary as President and Professor of Bible and Theology. He has served in several pastoral roles and has also held teaching positions at the University of North Texas, North Central Texas College, and Southern Bible Institute. His articles are published at www.drcone.com, and he is the author and general editor of fifteen books.
John Oglesby presently serves as Executive Vice President and professor at Vyrsity with previous experience in administration and academics at Calvary University. John received his BS in Advanced Biblical Studies as well as his MA in Bible and Theology from Calvary University. John has taught classes in Philosophy and Worldview, Theology, and Biblical Studies. His writing can be found at johnoglesby.org.
Mark R. Perkins has 33 years of experience as a pastor, professor, wilderness guide, and missionary, most notably as the Pastor of Front Range Bible Church in Denver, Colorado. Mark graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a BA in Bible Literature, and from Talbot Seminary with an MDiv in New Testament. He did further studies in Classical Literature at the University of Houston. He has served as adjunct faculty for Word of God Bible College in Kyiv, Ukraine, Rocky Mountain Bible College, and Calvary University. He remains active in leadership for Colorado Biblical University, APXAIOC Biblical Archaeology Institute, and Evanelia Tahiti. Mark is a veteran of the U.S. Army, and has led more than 40 wilderness trips in the mountains and canyons of the western USA. He is a two time survivor of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He and his wife Rene’ currently reside in the town of Papara on the island of Tahiti in French Polynesia, where they serve training pastors and laymen in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
PHIL5303 Ancient Pedagogical Literature (Bible Survey) is an introduction and synthetic overview of the Bible emphasizing pedagogical practices found within the text.
Module 1 – Intro, Genesis (and complementary book, Job), Exodus, Numbers (and complementary books, Leviticus and Deuteronomy) – Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D
Dr. Cone introduces the contents of this course and begins the Biblical survey with Genesis, Job, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.
Cone, p. 1–51
Benware, Old Testament, p. 11-80
Module 2 – Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel (and complementary book, Ruth), 1 Kings, 1 Chronicles – Dr. Stephen Lewis, Ph.D
Dr. Lewis continues the survey by examining Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, Ruth, 1 Kings, and 1 Chronicles.
Cone, p. 52-74
Benware, Old Testament, p. 81-132
Module 3 – 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles (and wisdom books, Psalms, Proverb, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon) – Dr. Michael Thompson, D.Min
Dr. Thompson examines the content and pedagogical techniques of 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.
Cone, p. 79-95
Benware, Old Testament, p. 118-144, 162-187
Module 4 – Northern Prophets: Amos, Hosea; Prophets to the Nations: Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum – John Oglesby, M.A.
Mr. Oglesby presents a survey and various pedagogical techniques found within the northern prophets Amos, and the prophets to the nations, Obadiah, Jonah, and Nahum.
Cone, p. 106-109, 96-97, 103-105, 116
Benware, Old Testament, p. 204-211, 194-196, 201-203, 224-227
Module 5 – Southern Prophets: Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Lamentations – Mark Perkins, M.Div
Mr. Perkins presents a survey and various pedagogical techniques found within the southern prophets Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, and Lamentations.
Cone, p. 98-102, 110-115, 117-124
Benware, Old Testament, p. 197-200, 212-223, 228-241, 184-187
Module 6 – Ezra, Ezekiel, Daniel, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi – Dr. Daniel Goepfrich, D.Min
Dr. Goepfrich examines Ezra, Ezekiel, Daniel, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi looking closely at the pedagogical techniques founds within.
Cone, p. 125-150
Benware, Old Testament, p. 242-265
Module 7 – Gospels and Acts – John Oglesby, M.A.
Mr. Oglesby examines the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as well as Acts and identifies pedagogical techniques of Jesus and His disciples.
Cone, p. 151-202
Benware, New Testament, p. 11-149
Module 8 – Pauline Epistles: 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans, Philippians, Philemon, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy – Mark Perkins, M.Div
Mr. Perkins examines the Pauline literature presenting a concise survey of the material and Paul’s pedagogical techniques.
Cone, p. 206-234
Benware, New Testament, p. 150-239
Module 9 – General Epistles: James, Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John, Jude – Dr. Daniel Goepfrich, D.Min
Dr. Goepfrich presents a concise survey of content and pedagogical techniques as they are found in the general epistles, James, Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter, 1,2,3 John, and Jude.
Cone, p. 203-205, 235-246
Benware, New Testament, p. 240-269
Module 10 – Revelation – Dr. Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D
Dr. Cone concludes the course by presenting and examination of the book of Revelation.
Cone, p. 247-END
Benware, New Testament, p. 270-281
Required Texts:
- All CBU courses use the Bible as a primary textbook. Translations used for coursework include any of the following: NASB, ESV, KJV, and NKJV. Other translations/versions may be used for complementary study and research.
- Christopher Cone, A Concise Bible Survey: Tracing the Promises of God (Exegetica, 2014) ISBN: 978-0976593034, $16
- Paul Benware, Survey of the New Testament (Moody Publishers, 2004) ISBN978-0802424839, $15
- Paul Benware, Survey of the Old Testament (Moody Publishers, 2004) ISBN: 978-0802424822, $20
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
- To provide an understanding of the overarching theme of the Bible and its various themes found within.
- To enhance Learners teaching techniques through the examination of the Scriptures and pedagogical practices found throughout.
- To help Learners understand the relationship between the Bible and education, particularly pedagogical techniques.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
- To prepare Learners for roles in transformative education teaching and service.
- To provide Learners a foundation for effective individual and organizational leadership in diverse environments.
- To ensure Learners demonstrate worldview foundation for empowering people and building communities.
- To help Learners formulate a Biblical approach to transformative learning and leadership.
Vyrsity Learning Outcomes (VLOs)
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Research – Learners will demonstrate ability to think critically, solve problems, and conduct interdisciplinary research at a level appropriate to their program.
- Personal Growth – Learners will understand how learning is related to personal growth, and will be challenged to grow in their thinking, communication, conduct, and engagement with others.
- Skills Development – Learners will advance in skills related to their area of learning, demonstrating a level of competency appropriate to their program.
- Social Responsibility – Learners will appreciate the diversity in and value of others as designed by our Creator, and will grow in willingness and capability to serve others.
- Worldview Applications – Learners will become capable at thinking from a worldview perspective and will understand the relationship of description and prescription, so that they can ground their actions in sound principles.
- Assignments and Grading Rubric (1000 Points)
- Module Assessments (25 points each x 10) 250 Points
- CLO 1 / PLO 3,4 / VLO 1,2
- Instructions: Learners will submit a 10-15 minute video presentation summarizing the content of each module (10 total videos)
- Course Content Assessment 250 Points
- CLO 2 / PLO 3,4 / VLO 3,5
- Instructions: Learners will choose any 5 essay topics of the 10 provided and answer the essay question in roughly 1000 words.
- Reading Content Assessment 250 Points
- CLO 1 / PLO 3,4 / VLO 1,2
- Instructions: Learners will write a 500-1000 word review and critique oneach individual assigned reading (20 total readings [two books per week]). Learners should summarize the material and offer some critique or poignant analysis.
- Competency Assessment –
- Instructions: Learners will select and complete any 1 of the 3 competency assignments. Specifics of the assessment mustbe preapproved by the mentoring professor:
- Practical Engagement Component – a practical social engagement of 3-6 hours applying principles covered in the course, and a 2000-word report discussing: (1) Introduction of the Engagement, (2) Methodology, (3) Summary of What Happened, and (4) Benefits and Implications
- Essay Component – a journal article quality paper of 5000-7000 words on an approved topic related to the course material.
- Instructions: Learners will select and complete any 1 of the 3 competency assignments. Specifics of the assessment mustbe preapproved by the mentoring professor:
- Teaching Encounter Component – preparing, delivering, recording, and submitting a 60-90 minute teaching to a live audience on an approved topic related to the course material
- CLO 3 / PLO 1,2 / VLO 4,5
250 Points
VII. Grading Scale
91-100% A
81-90% B
71-80% C
61-70% D
0-60% F
VIII. Carnegie Unit Credit Hour Equivalent
Total Hours of Module Content: 20 hours
Total Hours of Reading Content: 40 hours
Total Hours of Minor Assessments: 30 hours
Total Hours of Major Assessment: 30 hours
Total Hours of Competency Assessment: 15 hours
Equivalent of 3 Credit Hour (135 hours of total course time)