V-SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab

V-SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab

Syllabus Science Interactive Enrollment Please enroll in the Science Interactive course at https://myhol.holscience.com/enroll/dpvs-rxwn-kxdv-mkmv Course Mentor Please schedule course mentoring sessions through Calendly. If you haven’t yet met with your course...
V-SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab

V-SCIE2101 Chemistry

Syllabus Textbooks The primary textbook for this course is freely available online at https://openstax.org/details/books/chemistry-atoms-first-2e Course Mentor Please schedule course mentoring sessions through Calendly. If you haven’t yet met with your course...
V-SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab

V-MATH2101 College Algebra

Syllabus Textbooks The primary textbook for this course is freely available online at https://openstax.org/details/books/college-algebra The other course textbooks listed in the Syllabus above are available for loan from the Agathon Research Library or can be found...
C-LANG1301 Intro to the Greek Language

C-LANG1301 Intro to the Greek Language

Course Faculty Daniel Goepfrich, Th.M, D.MinAssociate ProfessorGreek and Hebrew LANG1301 Intro to the Greek Language is a study of the basic elements of the language of the New Testament, including translation of selected New Testament texts. CBU Bachelor of Ed (120...