Thank you for applying to AgathonU! Your journey begins now… AgathonU Enrollment Application Thank you for your interest in applying to AgathonU. Please complete this Application designed to be accomplished in one sitting and click on the SUBMIT button below. To complete your application file, you will be asked to send several documents including official transcripts, a headshot, a one-page testimony, and possibly other items. We look forward to working with you. If you are only making an inquiry, use the "Request Info" form on the website or send an email to "Admissions". AgathonU admits students of any race, sex, age, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at this university. This university does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other university-administered programs. PERSONAL and CONTACT INFO (req.) = REQUIRED fields... First Name(req.) Middle Name/Initial(req.) Last Name(req.) Suffix -- please select --Jr.Sr.lllllllVOther Preferred Name (nickname, or other) Address (physical) (req.) , United StatesAustraliaSouth AfricaUgandaUkraineUnited KingdomOther Phone (mobile) (req.) Is it OK to TEXT you at this #? YesNo Email (personal) (req.) MATRICULATION INFO Planned Academic Term(req.) -- please select --2023-2024: Fall2023-2024: Spring2024-2025: Fall2024-2025: Spring2025-2026: Fall2025-2026: Spring2026-2027: Fall2026-2027: SpringOther... For Which Program Are You Applying?(req.) -- please select --CompetenciesEarly CollegeUndergraduateGraduateDoctoral Which Degree?(req.) -- please select --Early CollegeCourses on DemandFaith-Based Professional Skills Competencies---Associate of Biblical EducationAssociate of Arts in Applied Faith---Bachelor of Biblical Education---Master of Education in Applied FaithMaster of Arts in Applied Faith in ScienceMaster of Transformative CounselingMaster of Divinity---Doctor of Ministry in Applied FaithDoctor of Education in Applied FaithDoctor of Philosophy in Biblical Exegesis and Praxis Scholarships? (I am potentially eligible for the following scholarship:) -- please select, if applicable --BFC ScholarshipCEF ScholarshipEthnos360 ScholarshipFGA ScholarshipFOI ScholarshipUIM ScholarshipWOL Scholarshipnone Previous Colleges Attended (list the colleges where you might have transfer credit) DEMOGRAPHIC INFO Date of Birth(req.) SS # (Intl. candidates' country equivalent or "123-45-6789") (req.) Gender(req.) FemaleMale Marital Status(req.) Single (never married)EngagedMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowed Spouse's Name (if applicable) Veteran(req.) YesNo Military Branch (if applicable) ArmyNavyAir ForceMarinesCoast GuardSpace Force U.S. Citizenship(req.) Are you a U.S. Citizen? IF NOT, be sure to complete the "International Students" section in the Client Portal. YesNo HIGH SCHOOL INFO High School Graduate(req.) YesNo HS Graduation Date High School Graduated From (if applicable) CHURCH INFO Church Name(req.) Pastor(req.) Church Address(req.) , United StatesAustraliaSouth AfricaUgandaUkraineUnited KingdomOther Phone (church) Church Denomination/Affiliation -- please select --5-Fold MinistryAmerican Baptist ChurchesAmishAnglican Church in North AmericaApostolic ChurchAssemblies of GodAssociation of Vineyard ChurchesBaptistBaptist - Rocky Mountain Church NetworkBaptist Bible FellowshipBaptist Converge Worldwide (BGC)Baptist Free WillBaptist GARBCBaptist GeneralBaptist IndependentBerean Fellowship of ChurchesBibleCalvary ChapelCharismaticChristian and Missionary AllianceChristian Church (Disciples of Christ)Christian ChurchesChristian Methodist Episcopal ChurchChristian Reformed Church in North AmericaChurch of GodChurch of God (Anderson-Indiana)Church of God (Cleveland-Tennessee)Church of God in ChristChurch of God of ProphecyChurch of the NazareneChurches of ChristCommunity ChurchConservative BaptistCooperative Baptist FellowshipCowboy ChurchEpiscopal Church in the United StatesEvangelicalEvangelical CovenantEvangelical Free ChurchEvangelical Lutheran ChurchFellowship of Grace Brethren ChurchesFree Methodist ChurchFree Will BaptistsFull GospelFull Gospel - EvangelicalGrace Gospel FellowshipIFCA InternationalIndependentIndependent BibleInterdenominationalInternational Church of the Foursquare GospelInternational Pentecostal Holiness ChurchLutheran (AALC)Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod)Lutheran Congregations in Mission for ChristLutheran ELCALutheran LCMCLutheran WELSMennonitesMessianic Jewish CongregationMissionary BaptistNational BaptistNational Missionary BaptistNational Primitive BaptistNew Apostolic ChurchNon-DenominationalPentecostalPlymouth BrethrenPresbyterian Church (USA)Presbyterian Church in AmericaProgressive National BaptistQuakers (Religious Society of Friends)Reformed Church in AmericaRoman Catholic ChurchSeventh-day Adventist ChurchSouthern BaptistThe Pentecostal MissionThe Salvation ArmyUnited Church of ChristUnited Methodist ChurchUnited Pentecostal Church InternationalUnity of the BrethrenVineyard Christian FellowshipWesleyan ChurchWisconsin Evangelical Lutheran SynodOther You should be receiving an email response within 48-72 hours or less. If that does not happen, please check your Junk/Spam mail folder. If no response, reach out to us at "Admssions". How Did You Hear About AgathonU?(req.) -- please select --AlumniBerean ConferenceBerean Fellowship EventBobstockBrush People's MarketCHEC (Day at the Capitol)CHEC (representative)CHEC ConventionCHEC MarketingChurchCollege FairCurrent StudentFriend/Family/PastorHomeschool ConferenceHomeschool EventProject for MissionsOctoberFest (Brush)Search EngineUIM InternationalWebsite (ours)WOLWOL College FairOther Message Δ