Reference Form (Personal)

    Thank you for your willingness to provide a Reference for one of our Applicants to Colorado Biblical University. Please complete this "digital" Form, designed to be accomplished in one sitting, and SUBMITted. We look forward to getting your input.

    To be completed by a "personal friend" who has known the applicant for at least 1 year.

    Colorado Biblical University admits learners of any race, sex, age, color, nationality, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded or made available to students at this college. This college does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other college-administered programs.

    (req.) = REQUIRED fields...


    Your First and Last Name (req.)

    Your Phone # (mobile) (req.)

    Email (req.)


    Learner's First and Last Name (req.)

    THANK YOU for supporting this applicant by filling out this reference!

    Your answers are an important part of our decision-making process, so we appreciate your careful, thoughtful, and honest evaluation. Please give specific support or explanation and do not answer questions you have not observed.

    Additional comments are appreciated and may be attached as a document in the SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS field below, or in an email sent to "Admissions".

    1.  Is the applicant involved in the local church? Explain in 90-characters.

    2.  How long have you known the applicant and in what type of relationship? (req.)

    3.  Please explain any problems or issues we should be informed about concerning the applicant (morality, integrity, discipline, or behavior).

    4.  How would you evaluate the relationship between the applicant and his/her family, parents, or guardians? (req.)

    5.  What is the applicant's attitude toward authority and instructions? (req.)

    6.  How does the applicant's life show he/she desires to serve God in whatever vocational field God directs him?

    7.  Why do you think the applicant wants to come to our institution? (req.) (req.)


    On a scale of 1-10, 1 is not ready to attend university and 10 is highly likely to thrive and contribute positively to our academic environment.

    8.  Academic Readiness: (req.)

    9.  Spiritual Readiness:

    10.  Social Readiness: (req.)

    11.  Emotional Readiness: (req.)

    12.  Handles Conflict Well: (req.)

    A SCALE of 1-10, rate the applicant's success in the following areas?

    On a scale of 1-10, 1 is rarely successful and 10 is consistently successful.

    13.  Is Concerned for Others: (req.)

    14.  Contributes Positively to a Group: (req.)

    15.  Sees Both Positive and Negative Aspects of Situations: (req.)

    16.  Picks Up on Basic Social Cues: (req.)

    17.  Interacts Well With a Variety of Personalities, Ethnicities, and Ages: (req.)

    18.  Appropriate Hygiene/Personal Appearance: (req.)

    PLEASE SELECT the best answer for each category below:


    20.  EMOTIONAL QUALITIES: (req.)


    22.  RELATIONSHIPS: (req.)
    (free to make multiple choices by holding down the ConTRoL key)

    23.  TEACHABILITY: (req.)
    (free to make multiple choices by holding down the ConTRoL key)

    24.  PURPOSEFULNESS: (req.)

    25.  TEAMWORK: (req.)
    (free to make multiple choices by holding down the ConTRoL key)

    26.  INFLUENCE: (req.)
    (free to make multiple choices by holding down the ConTRoL key)

    27.  LEADERSHIP: (req.)

    28.  RESPONSIBILITY: (req.)


    Please add any supporting documents here (each file limited to 2mb:


    Would you recommend we accept this applicant? (req.)

    Further explanation, if necessary:


    Are you interested in receiving further information about Colorado Biblical University? (req.)